Your Green Party Candidates
AspatriaAlison Parker is a local activist who believes that fossil fuels should stay in the ground, hence she opposes the West Cumbria Mine. She has also been campaigning against the arms trade for two decades. She is a volunteer with the girl guides in Wigton. Bothel and Wharrels

Jill Perry was born and brought up in Bothel and Wharrels as the daughter of a local tenant farmer. She has been a campaigner on environmental and social issues for over 30 years.
Cockermouth SouthKeith Fitton set up West House in 1989 to provide care, support and opportunities for people with learning disabilities. He has lived in the Cockermouth area for over 40 years. St Johns and Great Clifton
Fliss Watts is a freelance proofreader/copyeditor and artist. She has lived in West Cumbria since 1999. She has been a Green Party member for over ten years. She recently took part in CAfS community carbon literacy training programme. Seaton

Alistair Grey has lived in Seaton for over 20 years. Having worked on the buses and on the railway, he is now retired and an active volunteer with Workington Transport Heritage Trust. He is a keen advocate of the importance of sustainable, convenient public transport for all.
Solway Coast
Sharon Watson’s interest in politics has grown naturally out of her experiences as a community activist. Most recently, she campaigned to protect the hours and services at her local library and for a local beauty spot to be kept in public hands. She runs her own ‘green’ catering business and has run courses in avoiding food waste.
ThursbyDianne Standen is a skilled craftswoman re-using materials in new ways and running her own small craft workshop business. She is a co-founder of West Cumbria Bus Users group, and a keen proponent of electric bikes.