Whitehaven Coalmine Protest

Whitehaven Coalmine Protest

Members and Supporters of Allerdale and Copeland Green Party are urged to join this AntiCoal Protest.

Come dressed in green carrying a protest placard or bring a banner.

All will be made welcome.

Google map pindrop: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.5231439,-3.5906557,16z

11:00 am Saturday 10th December

Marchon Site Entrance

High Road


CA28 9QJ


Climate Protectors United

Green Party


 Friends of the Earth


 South Lakes Action on Climate Change SLACC


 SLACC Challenge the Cumbria Coal Mine Decision Crowdjustice fundraiser: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/challenge-the-cumbria-coal-mine

Join Coal Action Network’s twitter storm: https://www.coalaction.org.uk/…/twitter-storm-against…/

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