Waxcap Mushrooms

Its been a while but really nothing has been happening and I’ve been enjoying the rest, sewing and dog walking, seeing friends and the odd Zoom meeting.

I’m keeping up-to-date with sustainable transport proposals in Cumbria, and the case against the coalmine and trying to initiate a support group for people who want to install solar panels on their roofs in the villages of Bothel and Wharrels. It’s a slow-burn project with Cumbria Action for Sustainability and its at the very early stages but watch this space and this time next year maybe ….

Yesterday I actually used my e-bike to travel to a site visit at Moota Quarry – it’s first outing on Council business – to hear about their expansion plans. They aren’t actually expanding their workforce but the proposal would allow them to protect the existing jobs, as the current working area is almost played out. It’s quite likely I’ll be on the planning committee that hears this application when it’s presented so I mustn’t offer any opinions that would mean I was barred from considering it. It’s at an early stage and the first thing will be a scoping report. Interestingly, on part of the site, which they will protect there is an item of ecological interest – waxcap mushrooms.

Tonight I am going to a showing of “Finite – the climate of change” at the Alhambra at Keswick which is followed by Q&A and panel discussion and special reference to the Whitehaven coal mine. I’ve just read a piece by Chris Packham in which he speaks about his intention to use his 3 month sabbatical from TV work to think hard about new ways to try and convince the “powers that be” of the urgency of action at all levels to combat rising temperatures of climate chaos, as all the current protests etc have singularly failed to make a significant impact on the way the world works. Let’s hope his Asperger’s provides him with a Eureka moment, for all our sakes.

Cllr. Jill Perry

17 February 2023

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