Submission to the Consultation on Local Government Reorganisation – Cumbria

Having consulted our membership we have decided that the proposal from Barrow and South Lakeland of a Bay Authority and a North Cumbria Authority is the one we would like to support.

If one layer of local representation is to be removed, it is important that representation remains as local as possible, therefore we consider that one unitary authority would be too big to provide residents with the reassurance that their councillor could meaningfully represent their town or village to a council which did not know or understand the locality. Today, the communities of North Cumbria have little in common with those of south Cumbria. This means that two unitary authorities are necessary to provide the local leadership the consultation requires.

Putting the four northern administrative areas together to form North Cumbria makes them strong and diverse enough to keep a strategic vision, whilst small enough to maintain local identity. It is also similar in area (though not exactly the same) as the historic County of Cumberland.

Creating a local unitary authority bordering Morecambe Bay forms a strong geographical unit with a common interest in protecting an area of extremely high environmental importance. It contains internationally recognised wildlife sites with designations such as Ramsar wetland and Special Area of Conservation.

Dividing the area into a Bay Authority and a North Cumbria Authority mirrors the areas health authority division of North Cumbria NHS Trust and Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust and therefore provides clarity to the population about the provision of services.

Furthermore there is an existing network of bus and rail routes linking the 4 northern boroughs, and a largely separate network of bus and rail routes linking the southern boroughs with each other and with Lancaster. These separate networks allow for easier communications within each proposed area, with the Cumbrian mountains creating a natural boundary between the two.

Creating unitary authorities removes the confusion among residents about who to contact about the provision of services. It is quite clear that most people are not aware of the division of responsibilities between collecting and disposal of waste and recycling, or of the different categories of planning application decided at Borough or County level, or even who deals with street lights or potholes.

We consider that the formation of a North Cumbria authority comprising the current areas of Allerdale, Copeland, Carlisle and Eden, and a Bay authority comprising South Lakeland, Barrow and Lancaster is the best fit to meet the Government goals, whilst protecting the interests of the populace.

Allerdale & Copeland Green Party

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