Green Party Results in the Local Government Elections 2021

What a week it’s been with the elections taking place, and I am lucky to be able to share with you some good news from it. Nationally, The Green Party has gained representation in 18 councils, bringing the total tally of councils with Green representation to 141, with 99 seats gained bringing us to a total of 445 councillors across England and Wales. Nationally we are growing, but locally we are too! National results detailing our gained seats and holds are here.

Judy Filmore was elected to Cumbria County Council for the Ulverston West division, gaining our first seat on the council. She won by 16 votes, reminding us just how important it is to encourage everybody to get out and vote in these elections. A breakdown of local results can be seen here.

Additionally, Jack Lenox (the previous membership secretary for Allerdale and Copeland Green Party) who is now based in Lancaster, has been elected to Lancaster City Council by a margin of over 400 votes.

We’d like to thank everyone who helped spread the word about the party and candidates in these long-awaited elections, including those who helped to circulate leaflets in the Cockermouth North division.

Amy Wright

Membership Secretary

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